Seconds ticking to our Big Day

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Seconds ticking since Suzila is HIS

Monday, 31 May 2010

The time vs me

Everybody seems to feel the same lately: time flies. It's like next week is becoming tomorrow. I am on track but somehow, I need more time to do this and that. I am in the middle of marking exam papers. And with the new O'Level marking scheme, man! I guess time will let me find this new scheme familiar with so my marking will not be as slow.

I feel like writing more. There are lots of stories to share these past weeks but I don't seem to get time to finally sit down and write them all up in here. 3 more days to school holidays then maybe, I will start actively blogging again. I will be flying in to KK with my family this Thursday. Sharul can't make it because he has to work overtime til next week :( If only changing name to the ticket is free, I would bring his sister to replace him instead. At least, she could help me choosing the best gifts for the guests on our wedding.

I need to buy the "bunga telur": here it costs B$1.80 each! Bloody expensive!! I hope to get a cheaper one in KK. I couldn't find any in Bandung and Jakarta last time. "Bunga telur" does not exist in their tradition I heard. I remember buying "bunga telur" for my brother's wedding last year at Masjid India, KL for as cheap as B$0.50cent each! I know it's only a few cents difference but I just need to save as much penny for the big day. I don't wanna depend or hope for assistance from my families. I know they already have their own responsibilities..

Next on the list, accessories for our hantarans like flowers, pins, butterflies, etc. I just can't spend my money to buy them here! Mahal gila!!!! I bought many glittery and colourful ribbons in Jakara, also pearls, so that's done! What's next? Gifts for the guests during my "berbedak" ceremony. I hope I could get affordable price there in KK. Or else I'd have to buy them in Jakarta-Bandung again this coming September. I need to go there again to collect my wedding invitation cards and the gifts I bought last March. I hope it won't be excess baggage..

Right, I feel "lighter" now. This page has always been my therapy. Now back to marking *yawn*

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I AM AN ARIES: The Daredevil (huh??)

Energetic (yea, in many ways)

Adventurous and spontaneous (definitely)

Confident and enthusiastic (yup!)

Fun (hmm ... I should ask my friends that!)

Loves a challenge (100%)

EXTREMELY impatient (well, I hate waiting. Does that count??)

Sometimes selfish (am I??)

Short fuse; easily angered (hell yeah!)

Lively, passionate and sharp wit (hmm ... No comment!)

Outgoing (for sure!)

Lose interest quickly - easily bored (most of the time)

Egostical (in some ways; my baby says "in MANY ways" LOL!!)

Courageous and assertive (I agree!)

Tends to be physical and athletic (hmm ... Naah!!)

Fun with your photos
Created with - photo fun

My engagement: 01.01.10

My engagement: 01.01.10
Suzila Ahmad

The engagement ring :)

A cake from him

For him

With my dad & Sharul's :)

With my mum and his :)

With two of my closest girlfriends: Azean & Yanti :)