Seconds ticking to our Big Day

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Seconds ticking since Suzila is HIS

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

The latest me

Well, I am sick *uhuk uhuk* @_@ The more meds I took, the more I cough, especially the Dequadin. I have had sore throat since reaching home from Jakarta - thanks to the passenger sitting at the front seat on the plane! She was sneezing and coughing like, all the way to Brunei! I think I had caught her cold! Chiss!! Having less sleep and rest, I guess my immune system is just weak right now. This is the first time I fell sick since end of 2008 *sigh* Now I am on MC leave. When I saw the doctor yesterday, he warned me to see him again IF I still had not had my voice back by today. He said to forward me to the throat specialist in RIPAS Hospital. Thank God I have it back right after taking the anti biotic pills last night pheww!!

So ... the trip! It was great! I spent a lonesome of cash on my wedding souvenirs - I bought them at a non credit card shop. To convert, I spent less than B$2k for 3 functions alhamdulillah :') It was cheaper than I thought. I would go to Bandung again to pick up the things I've ordered or I'd ask the Indonesian driver we had to post them to me. Either way, I would still go to Bandung again! There are just too many things, cheap things to buy there! :D I love the factory outlets!!

I don't fancy Jakarta. Our time was mostly spent on the road coz of the traffic. We had less shopping there compared to in Bandung. Besides, our driver didn't know much of Jakarta. His home town was Bandung so our days there was way better! We stayed in Savoy Homann Hotel in Bandung. If you plan to go there, do stay in that hotel! The service was first class!! Even mom was making friend with the lobby girl there hehehe :D In Jakarta, we stayed in Ascott Apartment. It's a 5 star hotel but Louie got me the diplomat price :) Thanks so much Louie! Without her, my family trip wouldn't be as smooth :') She was the one arranging our accommodations and transportation. Indonesia is sort of her second home so she knows a lot of people there. I'm blessed! :)

I plan to go to Bandung again this June, right after my KK trip, which is in the first week of the second school hols. This time I'll make sure the Bandung trip to be way before the school reopens. It's my fault for having the trip done a day before the school started. I feel so bad staying in bed now thinking of my students without their teacher in presence :( It will not happen again! Promise!!

PS: I met up with this very very nice fashion designer. She had designed wedding gowns for 3 Bruneian brides in the past. She offered a package of B$10k for the 4 wedding gowns! I was like, NO WAY!! I have had a wedding package here in Brunei, which belongs to my uncle's sister. It's cheaper. Besides, I don't believe in keeping the fancy gowns since I'm only wearing them once on my wedding. I guess it's wiser to rent them then making them. But I might be asking her to design my "baju nikah" since my tailor had gone home now *sigh* She designed my "baju tunang" last December and I liked her work. We haven't discussed the price yet but I hope it will be affordable .. I also might ask for the make-up wedding package that she has. The make-up artist is working with Indonesian celebrities. It has always been my dream to put on the Indonesian style make ups on my wedding functions :) Then again, it's not cheap :( for 4 functions, it would cost me B$1,200. And that EXCLUDING their flight tickets to Brunei and their accommodations *sigh* :(

And owhhh ... To update, the wedding is postponed AGAIN!

Sharul's mum's side of family were on bended knees begging to take our wedding dates since their Singaporean family members could only make it to Brunei on those dates and so, the rest is history *sigh*

It's decided that the wedding will be next year in January. Now let's pray my cousin will be understanding enough to swap the dates with mine coz he's planned to get married in January too yikes!! I hope he won't mind having it earlier in December this year instead ... *sigh*


Maya Ariffin said...

pssttt hope u get well soon! Anyway, if u want indonesian make-up style why not u try Reyn's Touch? He's good you know.. If you don't mind he's a male MUA. He's the one who always cooperate with DH. :)

Anonymous said...

Yelah Suzi all this baju nikah bukan murah that's why I'm gonna make mine simple so boleh pakai again n again after that :-p LOL. I'll make them stretchable too since i know i'll be gaining more weight! sigh! skrg pun bertambah2 mcm belon pun ada...lagi2 dah start kerja...asik duduk kat meja mmg bertambah lemak =(
So yes...wth B$10K for 4 sets of baju? omg melampau! I would rather spend that much on my honeymoon :-p Anyways all the best...i know u're quite disappointed with the date being postponed but u know time is going so fast tau2 je it's time for u to be Sharul's wife! weeee!!!!! Sigh i wish I had money to be Amad's wife LOL. Get well soon! ;-)

Suzila A said...

Hi Maya :) yes, i saw his work from the link you posted in your blog. we'll see.. i have other options at the moment. you know how my mom is with male MUA anyway right hmm... thanks for suggesting babe :)

Suzila A said...

Aiza, i know right~~ mahal nak mampos!! so i'll stick to my plan renting the 4 bajus for my 4 functions. in that package, i'll be able to choose one kain for my wedding & i get to design it. just that, i can't keep it saja.. for my baju nikah, i will keep it for sure. i dah beli the materials in bandung last time. my parents pilih kan so kinda has sentimental value in it ;)

latest news, my mum just talked to my aunt tonight. my cousin's nikah will be 24/12, sanding 31/12. so am safe! :D just that, sharul's mum wants our nikah to be on 1/1. so u can imagine lah how the veterans komplen2 nanti huhu~~

tak kahwin susah, nak kahwin pun susah .. pffttt!!

Suzila A said...

btw Aiza, i pun kena start dieting ni.. susah laa~~ huhu... i gained 2kg back from bandung-jakarta. good food babe!! :P i know how u feel. i pun rasa macam belon dah now... susah nak control huhu~~

today i just settled one of my credit cards. suka nya i tengok card kena potong dua hehehe :D now left me with another two. insyaAllah i'll be able to settle my credit cards by next month. i nak focus on wedding preparations now. i don't want my budget to lari ke hulu ke hilir bayar hutang.. alhamdulillah, most of my wedding preparations are done, especially the souvenirs. now kena focus on dieting, cari design baju nikah & baju sanding, then make up artist .. apa lagi ekk ... erkk!!

ok now my brain is working. rasa ada yang tinggal pulak! alamakk!!

I AM AN ARIES: The Daredevil (huh??)

Energetic (yea, in many ways)

Adventurous and spontaneous (definitely)

Confident and enthusiastic (yup!)

Fun (hmm ... I should ask my friends that!)

Loves a challenge (100%)

EXTREMELY impatient (well, I hate waiting. Does that count??)

Sometimes selfish (am I??)

Short fuse; easily angered (hell yeah!)

Lively, passionate and sharp wit (hmm ... No comment!)

Outgoing (for sure!)

Lose interest quickly - easily bored (most of the time)

Egostical (in some ways; my baby says "in MANY ways" LOL!!)

Courageous and assertive (I agree!)

Tends to be physical and athletic (hmm ... Naah!!)

Fun with your photos
Created with - photo fun

My engagement: 01.01.10

My engagement: 01.01.10
Suzila Ahmad

The engagement ring :)

A cake from him

For him

With my dad & Sharul's :)

With my mum and his :)

With two of my closest girlfriends: Azean & Yanti :)