I predicted it right. No Raya today but tomorrow. Alhamdulillah now that we're fasting for 1 whole month and tonight marks the 1st of Syawwal. The sound of takbir on radios and televisions always blows the spirit of Raya no matter how much one's reluctant to rejoice in. I am one. I wish Ramadhan is longer. I pray that I will get to see another Ramadhan in many years to come aamiinnn ...
Alhamdulillah, I haven't missed any fastings and tarawikhs (except for 8 days of the 'break'). I managed to fulfill my dream of not missing my tarawikhs. Last year, I wasted my Ramadhan by not performing it as much that when the new moon was not sighted, I finally did my tarawikhs on the last night of Ramadhan. Guilt came into me that I swore I wouldn't let Ramadhan this year to pass without me having my sujood in the nights of the holy month. One regret though ... I didn't have my tarawikhs in the mosque but at home. InsyaAllah, next Ramadhan, I will try going to the mosque more often, if not every night. I pray it will come true aamiiinnn ...
So, Ramadhan this year is a very much different feeling. I don't know why, but it's a good feeling. It feels like I haven't had enough of it. I need more Ramadhan to purify my soul. InsyaAllah, I will continue fasting the six days in Raya. I haven't had enough of detoxifying my self!
So, like any others, I'd like to convey my warm Raya greetings to you all out there, whoever you are that come across this page. Sincere apologies to you all for any blunt dreaded words you found in the entries here, or inappropriate wording gentures a.k.a. swearings that you came across. At the end of the day, I am just being me here. "Minal 'aidil wal faizin. Mohon maaf zahir dan batin."
Eid Mubarak everyone!
*now where is that baju I wore last year hmm...*
PS: To my dear girlfriends, Maya and Ziah a.k.a. Mamashasha, congratulations on your new born babies. Maya gave birth to a beautiful princess on 1st September 2009 and Ziah a handsome prince on 19th September 2009. I wish to see these Ramadhan babies in the coming Eid. Aunty Suzila can't wait to hold those cute little fingers! :)
ling...my son born on the 19th Sept...hehe
owhhh.. whoops! sowwie! bah aku tukar now hehehe :P
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