It started from Thursday actually. An urgent meeting was held that morning at 8am and it dragged on til afternoon, with assembly and cleaning campaign in between. By 3ish, our brains were drained off after a brainstorming to another. The next morning, we were called for another cleaning campaign right up till almost mid day. By then, we were ready for the visit by the MOE Minister. We had a good team! I am proud of everybody's effort at making it work and look good *salute* :)
At 2ish, I picked up Lulu, Leng and Roslin at Lulu's and off we went to Kiem's Gong Xi Raya open house. I loved the food!!! And felt guilty afterward for eating so much huhu~~ Then the BLA+1 went beraya at Lulu's, then Johnny's in Rimba and finally at Leng's in Bandar.
By 6ish, the four of us got separated from the rest and went to Hua Ho Yayasan for a bit of window shopping: Lulu's uncle said that there were some clearance sales there. At after 7pm, we left bandar and went home. I didn't though. I went straight to see Sharul at his place. His right ear was swollen. He was a bit feverish and it was hard for him to eat. Feeling sick, he still wanted to go out watch a night movie. So, we did. We watched "Little Big Brother" starring Jackie Chan. Hilarious movie I must say! We loved it!!
Today at work, it wasn't a bad day at all. We were ready for the visit by the MOE Minister and his team. The dialogue went with less pressure than we had thought too :) They didn't manage to go around the school compound though or the kids would be very excited seeing him :) Everybody was thanking everybody for a job well done. And I am proud to be part of the family now :)
YB Pehin and his team before leaving the school, our principal and deputy principal on the right..
Before leaving home, I had a quick meeting with the the Drama committee concerning the Drama Competition that's coming up in April. The team decided to join the competition and so, my job is to find 10 students to participate in the 20-minute stage theatre performance before this coming Monday: I've gotta present the names to the school host by then..
After the meeting, I had an hour spent on marking then off I went accompanying Sharul to RIPAS Hospital. His ear had gone worse and he was told to see the specialist. He had had a check up in the morning and were told to have it checked again this afternoon. There were too many patients that his turn only came just before 4pm. The doc couldn't see the inside of Sharul's ear due to the swollen part. He injected some gluey like thingy into his ear and he will have to see the doctor again this Monday at 8.30am. So Sharul will not go to work again then.
After the meeting, I had an hour spent on marking then off I went accompanying Sharul to RIPAS Hospital. His ear had gone worse and he was told to see the specialist. He had had a check up in the morning and were told to have it checked again this afternoon. There were too many patients that his turn only came just before 4pm. The doc couldn't see the inside of Sharul's ear due to the swollen part. He injected some gluey like thingy into his ear and he will have to see the doctor again this Monday at 8.30am. So Sharul will not go to work again then.
Leaving the hospital, Nurul texted me. She and mum were at Serusup, asking me to come see some bridal costumes. She had finally had her wedding dates sorted and had panic strike right away. She dragged mum out to check some bridal shops, and so she did to me too. Though tired, I guess, why not since dragging mum out of the house happened once in a blue moon: she always nailed herself down in front of TV watching those Indonesian drama series!
The wedding package there was okay yet we went off to another shop at The Mall. Mum liked the wedding dresses I chose. The package was not bad too. Nurul and Ede found the package the same but not Sharul. He thought it's better to check on other bridal stores before settling down on it. By then, the time showed almost 9pm so we left. I promised the sales assistant that we would come again tomorrow. I intend to bring Sharul's mum, hoping that she would love the dresses I chose today..
At the ground floor, mum found a wedding package souvenirs cost $1.40 each. Sharul and I thought it's pretty cool coz it came with boxes with our names printed on it, a little something we have always wanted to have as our wedding souvenirs for our guests :) And guess what! The owner of the shop was my dad's cousin!! So she gave me that pretty cheap price :D Alhamdulillah!! :D
It was a long weekend. And tomorrow is gonna be another long one as the hunting will begin again, till we find those suitable wedding costumes and less pricey packages. Please make it easy for us tomorrow ya Allah, aaamiiinnnn....
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