Seconds ticking to our Big Day

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Seconds ticking since Suzila is HIS

Thursday, 7 October 2010

The lines

I was on Facebook and saw a friend's status saying: happiness beams out of your eyes...

So, my brain flowed with words and in the end I sent the rest of the lines that came from my head to her inbox:

happiness beams out of your eyes
your smile strikes shots to my heart
your laughter melts me weak
my lips sealed unable to speak
our fingers grasp us tight
warmth i feel deep inside
raindrops drip on our faces
moves briskly in the pour
as our lips meet in deep kisses
i now become forever yours

Then she put up another status: contentment shines in your voices...

So in her inbox, again, I typed:

contentment shines in your voices
as our eyes meet with admiration
sweetness i taste in those every word
them appeal to what we're feelin'

Her comment: "this sounds like a wedding vow!"

So I thought to my self ... yes it does :)


Maya Ariffin said...

I love it ;)

Suzila A said...

:) thanks. i think i do too :D

I AM AN ARIES: The Daredevil (huh??)

Energetic (yea, in many ways)

Adventurous and spontaneous (definitely)

Confident and enthusiastic (yup!)

Fun (hmm ... I should ask my friends that!)

Loves a challenge (100%)

EXTREMELY impatient (well, I hate waiting. Does that count??)

Sometimes selfish (am I??)

Short fuse; easily angered (hell yeah!)

Lively, passionate and sharp wit (hmm ... No comment!)

Outgoing (for sure!)

Lose interest quickly - easily bored (most of the time)

Egostical (in some ways; my baby says "in MANY ways" LOL!!)

Courageous and assertive (I agree!)

Tends to be physical and athletic (hmm ... Naah!!)

Fun with your photos
Created with - photo fun

My engagement: 01.01.10

My engagement: 01.01.10
Suzila Ahmad

The engagement ring :)

A cake from him

For him

With my dad & Sharul's :)

With my mum and his :)

With two of my closest girlfriends: Azean & Yanti :)