Seconds ticking to our Big Day

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Seconds ticking since Suzila is HIS

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

The long afternoon

The bell just rang and am not ready for later's sharing session. It's the agreement signing ceremony for the third adventure camp: Singapore-Brunei Adventure Camp 2009, which will be held in Singapore. 20 students have been selected and 4 chaperons will go with them. Danny and I did the slides together last Sunday but silly me, I didn't save it for me to practice at home. What the hell! I'll just say whatever later. Ain't it nice getting a last minute work! Pfft!

Later at 5pm I'll have to attend a meeting on the coming conference. I am a liaison officer though I am never a member. I feel awkward a bit coz most of the other officers are members of that group but when I feel that my assistance is needed, I just can't say 'no'. It's extra duties but I know I need to give them a hand. I will try my best and I appreciate the appointment. So much I do.

So, it's gonna be a long afternoon today. Just hope I won't forget to collect my outfit for tomorrow's opening ceremony of the 3-day conference. It's good to be part of an exclusive group of knowledgable people sometimes though seriously, I feel I am not as good.

Well, hope I won't make a fool of myself later!

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I AM AN ARIES: The Daredevil (huh??)

Energetic (yea, in many ways)

Adventurous and spontaneous (definitely)

Confident and enthusiastic (yup!)

Fun (hmm ... I should ask my friends that!)

Loves a challenge (100%)

EXTREMELY impatient (well, I hate waiting. Does that count??)

Sometimes selfish (am I??)

Short fuse; easily angered (hell yeah!)

Lively, passionate and sharp wit (hmm ... No comment!)

Outgoing (for sure!)

Lose interest quickly - easily bored (most of the time)

Egostical (in some ways; my baby says "in MANY ways" LOL!!)

Courageous and assertive (I agree!)

Tends to be physical and athletic (hmm ... Naah!!)

Fun with your photos
Created with - photo fun

My engagement: 01.01.10

My engagement: 01.01.10
Suzila Ahmad

The engagement ring :)

A cake from him

For him

With my dad & Sharul's :)

With my mum and his :)

With two of my closest girlfriends: Azean & Yanti :)