Today was a long day for us all. We had Annual Sports Day, which was spoiled by the morning drops (which was good actually cause the day turned out cold hehe). By midday, Danny called me up. Got to do something with the Brunei-Singapore Camp. We did meet yesterday, discussing on the activities we want to include on the 16th June interview with the selected students for the camp. There were six of us altogether in yesterday's meeting; me, Danny, Lulu, Yuli, Saiful and Syadi. Lulu and I took them to our school to see the whereabout for the "Run-A-Hunt" activity on that day. The three boys made fun of our school pond! Cheh!! We did say it's a man-made and small pond!!! Cheh!!!
Well anyway, back to today! I met Danny at Qlap. He was managing the insurance for the campers. He wanted me to do the forms for the quotations, which I couldn't do. My schedule is tight for the week so I ended up doing the typing (the easiest job actually! Hehe). By 1.15pm, I got back to school and met the Lela Menchanai performers. Their performance during Cultural Night was so good that all demanded another performance of it on the 14th June End-Of-Term Concert. Phew! The practice ended at 3.30pm, after adding some more steps as the stage we're going to use is bigger than the one we used during the Cultural Night Show.
By 4pm, I was typing the names of students who are going to tomorrow's Kampong Ayer and Proboscis Monkey Tour. The school subsidizes $20 per student so they only have to pay $5 each. Us teachers are F.O.C :D We're going to bring 40 students out tomorrow. So by after 5pm, we reached Mona Florafauna Tours in Bandar (Sharul accompanied me there). Before that, we were invited by Mamashasha to have late lunch at her place ~ Thanks dearie!! Love your Nasi Ayam!! Yummy!! ;)
By 6.15pm, I reached home. Watched "Cinta Kirana" on Indosiar Satelite till 7pm then got ready to dine out with the BLA+1 at Cheez Box in Gadong. It's Niza's treat tonight. Of course I was late. Man! I needed the rest anyway. My head was still heavy after the long hot hours at the hall for the Lela Menchanai Practice this afternoon. Plus, the students were annoyingly playful today and I was too tired to do some scolding. In the end, we only had a few minutes of serious practice. Phew!!
Tonight, at the restaurant, we ordered a lot of food, as usual! :p But the one dish that I ordered, with Johnny's idea, was called "Escargot" ~ a French cuisine. He didn't want to tell me what it was. Even Rahimah and Mas were quiet about it. But seeing Mas discomfortness over the dish, I knew it was not a 'usual' menu.
Then Johnny said to us, "C'mon! Be adventurous la!"
So I was like, "What's in it??"
He said, "You love cheese kan! Then you will love it!"
"But you wouldn't want to know what's inside it!!" Rahimah cut in.
I was like ..... What the heck!! "Is is something moving in it???" I asked Johnny.
"No la!! It's DEAD!! It's BAKED!!"
I was like .......... DEAD? BAKED?? *Gulp!*
Bah, hentam tah!! I said "Ok, let's try!!" Tawakkal jer laaa!
When it came, we had to put the dish on another table. Mas was already feeling bad about it. What could it be ah!! Doh! Apakan!! The cheese looked good. It smelt good too! When others were busy with Niza opening her presents, I stopped the waitress and whispered to her, "What's inside the dish?" Guess what she said!!!
"Snails..." she said, with a wide smile.
I was like ...... "Ohhhhh ..... Snails," showing my fake proud smile! *Yuck!*
Johnny and I took a few bites. The first bite on the cheese was okay. Then I saw 'it'. I was screaming inside. "Noooooo!!!" But then, what the L! Makan saja la! Guess what!! It's not bad at all!! :D But it does taste DIFFERENT. How should I describe it ah ....... Hmmm ...... It tastes .... disgustingly alright :p Hehe ... Seriously. It tastes like mushroom. Just that it's ...... rough. Yea! A rough mushroom hehehehe :p
Now it's 15 minutes to midnight. Gotta wake up early tomorrow morning for the Kampong Ayer and Proboscis Monkey Trip. Will update for you guys on that tomorrow! Till then .... Mwaaahz!! :)
=== The appetisers, on our side of table. More on the other side though :) ===
=== My order: Lamb Black Pepper with Spagetti and Cold Late with Caramel ===
=== The 'unusual' French cuisine: Escargot (not sure bout the spelling though :p) ===
=== See the snail??? Can't believe my tummy is processing it now *Gulp!* ===
=== Me and the birthday girl, me holding the blue rose :) ===
=== Nize loves chilli, hence the present :p It's artificial though hehe ... Yet another card with the BLA+1 pictures :D I am the 'cool Suzi' heheh ... ===
=== Niza and Yatie. The background: Leng, Kiem and Lulu :) ===
=== Some more of the girls. Love you guys!! Mwaahz!!! ===
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