Ok, yesterday, I went out buying souvenirs for the Singaporean teachers and students. The teachers got a Brunei Darussalam document bag, key-chains, pencil case, pencils and piggy bank. The students got a Brunei Darussalam flag pencil each. Their flight was at 6 p.m. so we teachers and students were there as early as 4 p.m. to send them off. Before going to the airport, Sharul and I had tea at LA Cafe, just a next door cafe to where we had our little shopping. They sell similar donuts to the ones serve in Fun Donuts. Hmm ... So peculiar!
Johnny was at the airport the earliest. He managed to frame the groups' pictures of every activity they did here in Brunei. It was a well touching moment when the teachers received the frame. They were so grateful for the time we spent on them and told us they'd have a group presentation and display back in Broadrick Secondary School in Singapore. They'd hang the frame on the Conference Room wall as well.
When the time came, it was yet another touching moment. The Singaporean students cried and hugged us teachers and students. They thanked us all for our hospitality and promised to come to Brunei again.
When they had left, Johnny and I stayed a bit while with the Chief. He thanked us both for a job well done, especially the Cultural Night Show last 28th May. This was when he mentioned to us that he was thinking of carrying all the performances that night to the End of Term Concert on this coming 14th June. On my part, that would be an appreciation for my performers for their hard work for the Cultural Night Show. I am sure they will be very excited knowing this good news from me :D
Leaving the airport, Sharul and I zoomed to The Mall to watch the 7.30 p.m. Indiana Jones 4. Killing the time, we went looking for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Sharul hadn't watched it yet so he was kind of lost when we watched The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian last Thursday. After the movie, we had dinner at Haji Saban Restaurant at Katok. I had Corned Beef Fried Rice while he had Fried Noodles.
This morning, my phone woke me up with Sharul's text. He had just finished watching the Narnia 1 and he loved it! He even asked me out to watch Narnia 2, again!!! He's like a baby boy! So spoilt and childish sometimes ~ which I love hehe ;) Of course we didn't go watch the 2nd one. That'd be a waste of money heheh :p
I planned to go to Limbang to look for a bedroom set. I want to change the one I have now. It's about time to change it anyway. But at last, we decided not to go as it was already after mid day when we went out. So we just bought some 'popias' and 'cucur pisangs' somewhere in Sinarubai. From there, we headed to Kota Batu. I heard there was a carnival going on. Looking on from the road, the carnival was unattractive ... shall I say. We could only see several tents, seemed like a garage sale rather than a carnival. We left the Matan Village soon after.
All the way along the road, we passed some great views so we stopped and took several pictures. There was an old couple fishing on a jetty. It was sweet to see as the lady was wearing a 'baju kurong' and scarf while her husband a 'topi haji'. Tua-tua pun masih romantic! Awwwe!
We continued our journey to Mentiri Golf Club. I remember Arzi likes playing golf there. In fact, he had invited me hundreds times to play with him there but I never had the time. Sorry Arzi. Maybe next time okay ... with Sharul ;) From there, off we went to Serasa Beach. It's amazing seeing the place's been widened. It looks more like 'a recreational beach' now! Families had reunion there, some other had a good time with their kids, while others went fishing. I saw a father teaching his son of about 5 years old fishing. I witnessed these all while nibbling on the 'tongkeng' Sharul bought for me from one of the foodstalls. Hmmm ... Yummy!! :p
Turning back to the main road, Sharul bought me ABC from another stall near the road. Not bad at all! Then, feeling hungry a bit, we stopped by a restaurant hut and had 'soto' and fried noodles. Sharul ordered ABC. Not bad really. Especially for a $3 meals altogether :)
Before leaving the beach, we took some pictures of the views. It's so sad seeing rubbish everywhere on the beach. Aren't there any cleaners assigned there? I supposed, the public should be more responsible keeping the area clean!!
Leaving the beach, we went to Yayasan. I bought Mamashasha and Ejah my promised set of Fun Donuts. 12 different donut flavours altogether. Sharul and I bought our favourite ~ the Almond (3), Green Tea and Blue Berry. We hadn't tried Vanilla Choco so we bought one. It's okay. Almond stays the BEST among them all! ;)
After dropping by the donuts at Mamashasha's, we had dinner at Thai Food Restaurant at Jalan Serusup. Yea! Yea! I know!! Where else could we go in Brunei rather than movies and restaurants? We had Beef Basille Leaves and Chicken Green Curry. Always our favourites everytime we went there. We left with stuffed tummy, especially Sharul as I forced him to finish up my 'left-over' rice heheh :p
I had a good 'free weekend'! Especially when it's spent with my most dearly one :) Enjoy the pictures people! :p
~~~ Tea at LA Cafe Gadong. The donuts look familiar huh!! Nothing beats the Fun Donuts!! ~~~
~~~ The restaurant hut. It was rather windy today so having our meals here was heavening :) ~~~
~~~ The $1 ABC. Very tasty. It fills with tinned fruits. Not like any other typical ABC. You should try!! :) ~~~
~~~ I love the trees along the road. It's sheltering the area and arranged beautifully :) ~~~
~~~ Family time at the beach ~~~
~~~ On the way back from the beach, we couldn't help but stop to catch these pictures :) ~~~
~~~ Say CHEESE!! :D ~~~
~~~ Ours ~~~
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