Seconds ticking to our Big Day

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Seconds ticking since Suzila is HIS

Friday 6 June 2008

Oh Migraine!

I hate it when you attack
Can't do nothing but sit back
Head's heavy eyes itchy
Just lie down and asleep

I hate when you hit
Not just any pain but kicks
Feels heavier when I sit
Or even try to sleep

Oh migraine go go away
Don't come again
Even think to stay
My workloads are piling up
When you attack all are untouched!

Go go away don't ever stay
Don't you get it I hate you here
Can't you see it now I took the pills
2 last night and 5 today

Migraine! Migraine! Please leave
Leave me alone
Make me at peace
Oh leave pleeeeeeeeease!!!

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I AM AN ARIES: The Daredevil (huh??)

Energetic (yea, in many ways)

Adventurous and spontaneous (definitely)

Confident and enthusiastic (yup!)

Fun (hmm ... I should ask my friends that!)

Loves a challenge (100%)

EXTREMELY impatient (well, I hate waiting. Does that count??)

Sometimes selfish (am I??)

Short fuse; easily angered (hell yeah!)

Lively, passionate and sharp wit (hmm ... No comment!)

Outgoing (for sure!)

Lose interest quickly - easily bored (most of the time)

Egostical (in some ways; my baby says "in MANY ways" LOL!!)

Courageous and assertive (I agree!)

Tends to be physical and athletic (hmm ... Naah!!)

Fun with your photos
Created with - photo fun

My engagement: 01.01.10

My engagement: 01.01.10
Suzila Ahmad

The engagement ring :)

A cake from him

For him

With my dad & Sharul's :)

With my mum and his :)

With two of my closest girlfriends: Azean & Yanti :)