Seconds ticking to our Big Day

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Seconds ticking since Suzila is HIS

Monday, 6 October 2008

Not In The Mood ...

I hate being back to work. Everyone needs longer Raya hols I guess. Me? Gosh! I felt so sleepy and there were barely enough kids in the class, which made the day even more boring! I just hate having absentees cause it means I have to repeat the same lessons to them in the next lessons. I am not a kind of person who enjoys doing the same thing all over again. I even hate U-turns!! Or driving on the same road in a day. I'd rather go twice the kilometers of drive home than having to use the same road from home to work. Anything to do with repetition is just NOT me! Ok, I guess you get the idea now!

My working day was real slow. Students were even still in the Raya mood and all they did during the lesson was chit-chatting about it! I'd to shut them off and separated their seats from one another just to make them concentrate. I don't like that either! It just made me look like the notorious dictator Adolf Hitler! If I were my own student, I would HATE me!!!

I went to the Ministry at 2pm to meet Danny to discuss on our camping. Killing the time waiting for him, I hung out at HL's office. I always enjoy chatting with her and I envy her cozy and welcoming office! We talked about our Raya hols and how it had almost killed us from boredom by not doing anything at home. She had trained me for a few years and I guess I have become whom she has become: a workaholic! I know I just complained about our short Raya hols but honestly, when I've got nothing to do at home, other than sleep, I usually go nuts!! I'd go moody and pissed off out of nothing!! You wouldn't want to get near me when that happens, I tell you!

The meeting with HK on our camping budget went rather rough. There was a problem with our proposal to camping at Temburong District. The quotations just didn't match! I made a few calls to settle it but it just made my day even worse! Danny and I have made a note on NOT to have any connection with that particular irritating travel agency, ever!! Just imagine guys! They provide a full package tour to Temburong, including transportation from and to Bandar. All we wanted was for them to delay our transportation back to Bandar to the next day since we plan to have additional activities over night in Temburong on our own expenses. Guess what they told us!! WE HAVE TO PAY AN EXTRA FEE FOR THE NEXT DAY'S TRANSPORTATION!!! I was like, what the L??? Geez!!

I took my leave after the meeting visiting Sharul. I hadn't gone to his place for Raya so why not. Besides, I kinda miss him, since our last meet on the eve of Syawal. From there, he accompanied me to have my late lunch, a.k.a. dinner, at Aminah Arif Restaurant at Qlap. As I feel my body aching for the nights that I've spent outside the home during Raya, I had ginger tea with my ambuyat set dishes. I felt worse with migraine attacks after that! Gosh!! What's happening to me today!! It's just one thing after another! Grrr!!

Next, Sharul helped me look for my Hp laptop charger. The second shop sold two kinds of chargers: the universal and original ones. I bought the original Hp charger since I only had to add $60 extra from the price of the universal one. Still, it cost me a fortune, since it's Raya when you just spend and spend your cash on the cakes, drinks and the green packets. People!! I am sooooo BROKE!!! :( Anyway, I also bought myself a notebook cool pad.

I felt sick thinking of how bankrupt I've gone now, and it's only 6th Oct!! Uwaaaa!!! :'( But Sharul knows how to cheer me up. He took me out to the Qlap Mall, to watch movie but I decided not to watch any cause I was so sure I'd go home late if I did. Instead, he took me to a boutique on the 1st floor and bought me two pashminas, yeay! :) I felt much better then.

Now, I'm back to having no mood. I still miss Sharul actually. I don't know you guys ... The more I get away from him, the more I long for his presence ...

I guess absence DOES make the heart go fonder ...... Sigh~~~

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I AM AN ARIES: The Daredevil (huh??)

Energetic (yea, in many ways)

Adventurous and spontaneous (definitely)

Confident and enthusiastic (yup!)

Fun (hmm ... I should ask my friends that!)

Loves a challenge (100%)

EXTREMELY impatient (well, I hate waiting. Does that count??)

Sometimes selfish (am I??)

Short fuse; easily angered (hell yeah!)

Lively, passionate and sharp wit (hmm ... No comment!)

Outgoing (for sure!)

Lose interest quickly - easily bored (most of the time)

Egostical (in some ways; my baby says "in MANY ways" LOL!!)

Courageous and assertive (I agree!)

Tends to be physical and athletic (hmm ... Naah!!)

Fun with your photos
Created with - photo fun

My engagement: 01.01.10

My engagement: 01.01.10
Suzila Ahmad

The engagement ring :)

A cake from him

For him

With my dad & Sharul's :)

With my mum and his :)

With two of my closest girlfriends: Azean & Yanti :)